There Are 10 Things You Need to Know: An Introduction

Number one: Yes, My birth name is Gypsy.
Most, if not all, of the people that read this will know that I was born with this name.  However, on a daily basis, I am asked if that is my legal name.  "But what is your real name?"  "Is that the name your company gave you for security reasons?" It becomes a dance, really.  They ask. We both giggle. I assure them it's my real name.  Then they say something along the lines of "What urged your parents to name you that?"  They ask not knowing that it was only a parent that named me.  They ask not really caring the real reason.  So I give them the answer they are searching for. "My mother has a free spirit."

Number two: My name does not define me.
With a name like Gypsy, I get asked a multitude of questions.  The one that is most popular is more of a phrase paired with an assumption "You must love to travel, then."  No.  My name is Gypsy.  I am not a gypsy.  I prefer to stay at home, order pizza, watch a good show or film and only socialize when it is necessary.  The more I am out and the more people I see, the more anxious and uncomfortable I get.  It's really quite overwhelming to go to a lot of places and to see a lot of people.

Number three: I am a thinker.
This comes with positives and negatives. When I read a book or see a show or film, I analyze it. I come up with theories.  I spend time on these theories and expand on them.  When an event happens - maybe something mildly embarrassing or I get a vague message from someone - I analyze it.  I come up with theories.  I spend time on these theories and expand on them.  I tend to blow things out of proportion. Thank you anxiety. 

Number four: I am a weight watcher. 
This may not seem like a huge deal, but for me it is.  I use to have an unhealthy relationship with food.  I relied on it for comfort and viewed it as a treat.  I didn't think of the ways that food could heal or harm me.  Slowly but surely, my relationship with food is getting better.  It is no longer controlling my life.

Number five: I write. 
I know. "Gypsy, we obvious know that you write since you are writing this blog."  Regardless of that, this is something that you need to know about me.  It's not just blogs and poetry that I write.  I write down my anxieties. I write down to do lists. I write out my phone number instead of texting you or putting it in your phone. I write out recipes instead of printing them.  I love the way the pen feels in my hand.  I love the sound of the pen tip on a piece of paper.  There's something about having something physically written rather than digitally.  It's now unique.  In some ways it's precious. Digital writing can be recovered.  Where as if I wrote this list on normal lined paper and it was swept up in a wind only to land in a puddle, it's damaged and most likely gone.  It is delicate.

Number six: I am doing this thing called marriage.
I'm a wife to a loving husband.  I am not a perfect wife.  I am not always nice.  I don't always do my part.  I realize that I am not perfect.  The best part is that I am loved either way.  Marriage is work.  It's the best work I have have ever been involved in, but I still have to remember that unconditional love is not going to come naturally to me.  I have made it my goal to love my husband intentionally for the rest our lives together.

Number seven:  I'm working on my mental health.
It's been a struggle.  You'll get more on this another time. 

Number eight: I am still learning who I am.
This should never be something I fully know.  The day I say I know exactly who I am and everything about myself is the day I stop growing as an individual. I want to be able to discover myself in new light.  To discover new things about oneself is beautiful.

Number nine: I didn't use to care about my life.
This is a pretty sensitive topic.  I'm not fully ready to delve into this area of my life.  One day, I'll start typing and the story will come out naturally, and I will feel comfortable publishing it for anyone to read.

Number ten: Now I do.
Ultimately, this is why I am here, and perhaps this is why you are here.  It took me a long time to realize worth in my own life.  Sometimes I lose sight of this - more often than I care to admit. This blog is created purely for selfish reasons.  I'm doing this for me, but if someone else can benefit from learning about my times and trials, then it's a win-win.  Let's start this year right with caring for ourselves.  That's my plan.


  1. Awesome post!! I think anxiety affects a lot of women and most doctors just want to prescribe medication to dull your feelings. However this is the reality that a lot of us go through everyday and really needs attention rather than sweeping it under the rug and ignoring. I think this goes along with mental health for most women as well. We don't exaggerate all the time and it really is an issue that effects us on a daily basis. Really excited to discuss!!! Love the first post!!!


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