First Trimester: Real Feels (Week by Week)

If you have seen the cute photo I have posted with my husband (photo cred: Tobi) then you should know by now that I'm expecting a cute, tiny human in June.  If you haven't seen it, well I have a few here throughout this post for you. Here's one right now!

I've been blogging about my experience up to this point, but have not posted it since I wanted to wait til we were out of the first trimester to announce it.  This is one of the main reasons that I have not been blogging - because it's all been in secret.  Here is a week by week of real life in the first trimester.

Week 1-3
I was not aware that I was pregnant here (cause I was only a little bit pregnant).

Week 4
I got the news from my doctor.  His words, "We got your test back for pregnancy, and you're positive."  My thoughts were Wait, am i pregnant? Why does it sound like I have a disease?

Not exactly how I thought I would find out that I was pregnant.  It wasn't until he started telling the approximately how far along I was that I realized.  Once it all settled, I was ecstatic.  I immediately started game planning how I would break the news to my husband.  I went the cheap and easy route and put a bun in the oven.  I also wrote him a card in case the bun wasn't clue enough. He came home, and I told him there was something in the oven for him.  He didn't really question it.  In fact, he thought it was some sort of treat and washed his hands before going in there. When he pulled the bun out, he knew immediately.  You could see the joy in his eyes.

Week 5
It's still surreal.  I don't feel pregnant, and I certainly don't look it.  There are some people in our lives that we want to tell early so that they can be in prayer for this little person growing - primarily family and close friends.  It's funny when you tell someone that you're pregnant.  They get so excited that it reignites your excitement.

Week 6
Not much is changing at this point.  Although i am quite tired, and some food is not as appetizing to me.  I am starting to feel a little sick.  I hope it doesn't get too much worse.  I don't really have the energy to post on social media or blog about many things.  I feel like I need to nap all the time.

Week 7
Baby is a blueberry.
I feel pregnant AF!  I'm assuming the person that named this thing "Morning Sickness" was a man that has no idea what this actually is.  Sure, it's the morning and I'm sick - but then it's two in the afternoon, and I'm still sick.  Keeping food in my system has never been harder for me.
Food aversions are intense!  While I was about 80% paleo before I got pregnant, I can't even look at meat now.  It's hard to get myself to do most things.  My yoga routine is pretty much non-existent.  This is even effecting my day job.

On a more positive note, I have decided to give birth in a birthing center rather than a hospital.  I have already met my midwife (one of three) that I will be working with these next 7 or so months.  I am confident that I am on the right path for bringing this baby into the world.

Week 8
Baby is a raspberry.
Still sick.  I'm accepting the fact that I am a vegetarian right now.  There are rare instances where meat is appetizing.  I hop on those as soon as I can.  Some days are better than others, but I feel awful most of the time.  While I'm praying to the porcelain god, I can't help but wonder if I have it worse than other pregnant ladies.

I am beyond thankful for my husband.  He makes me peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with the crusts cut off.  He doesn't judge me when all I can eat is french fries.  He rubs my back when I'm hunched over the toilet.  He prays for me when I need it the most, but can't ask for it.  He's going to be a great father.

Week 9
Baby is a green olive.
I feel like I'm in this endless circle.  I'm sick and it's causing me anxiety. My anxiety is making me feel more sick. It never ends.  Sometimes I'm nervous that I'm too sick.  I can't hold food down - most food any way.  I have some good days, but I have mostly not good days.  It's hard to even enjoy that I am pregnant.

Week 10
Baby is a prune.
I'm still having issues with most meat, but occasionally I am up for the challenge of eating.  We have picked up some baby food in hopes that I can eat it, enjoy it, and keep it down. I'm about 50/50 with my sickness right now.  I keep hearing that once I'm out of the second trimester, this will go away.  I'm not sure if it's a gradual thing, or if it just disappears like magic.  Either way, I'm ready for that "pregnancy is beautiful" stage.

Week 11
Baby is a lime.
This week has been looking up.  I was able to make tamales without getting sick.  I just got a little dizzy here and there.  There are still some things that will trigger it.  I am constantly exhausted though.  I'm not sure if that is something that will go away any time soon. We were able to take our announcement photos this week, and I'm really happy with how they came out.

We were also able to hear the heart beat of the baby this week.  I was told I would cry, and I did.  It was amazing.  It's different once you hear the beat.  It makes it so much more real.

Week 12
Baby is a large plum.
So far so good.  I'm feeling a lot better and rarely feel sick.  I guess it's a gradual loss of sickness, now that I think about it.  At the end of this week, I'm going to make the post on social media (silly that that's even a thing we think about).  I'm really excited for people to know about this adventure we are on.

Now that I'm not as sick, I feel like I can finally enjoy the pregnancy. Let it be beautiful.


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