The Advice I Never Asked For

It's official.

I am obviously pregnant.  Before, it looked like I had indulged in a buffet, but now there is not a question about it.  This lady is pregnant and has the belly to prove it.  Since my belly has started to swell, I have been getting a lot of advice and tips from people - people I know, people I have become acquainted with, and random people on the street.  While I have had some good and some...interesting advice given to me, most of it has not been asked for.  I thought it might be a good idea, however, to share the wealth and my opinion on these treasured tips I have received.  So without further ado, here's the advice that I never asked for.

1. "Get a pregnancy pillow."
This was actually great advice, but when this was given to me, I was already all over that front. Pretty much the best pillow to get in our room.

2. "Well, be sure to stop lifting weights now that you're pregnant."
I kid you not, this was a real piece of advice that someone gave me.  I get it - a lot of people used to stop being active when they got pregnant, but my midwife encouraged me to remain active and listen to my body.  If my body can't handle 15 lb dumbbells (which was going to be likely), then I should take it down a notch.  I even do modified push-ups instead of standard ones.

3. "Enjoy life now, cause once that baby is here, it will all be over."
Word for word.  Look, I understand that once our daughter gets here, our lives will center around her.  I get that we won't have certain luxuries that we currently have now - like going to the movies or sleeping in, but that doesn't mean our lives are over.  We are entering the next phase of our lives.  I feel like that is the most insulting thing you can say about our bye Felicia. 

4. "Make sure to start taking prenatal vitamins."
Dude. I know. I've been on them for almost 2 years now. 

5. "Take as many naps as possible."
Oh, okay!  I'll be sure to find time in my full-time work schedule to take naps.

6. "Watch what you eat.  You don't want to get fat."
I would just like to let you know that the same person who told me this, also informed me that I have gained too much weight so far in my pregnancy.  So that was a nice tidbit of advice. 

7. "Don't worry. "
Really?  That's really what you're going to tell me??

8. "Go for the pain meds."
Thank you for helping me formulate my birth plan.

9. "I thought I knew love - I love my wife, don't get me wrong, but I didn't really know love until I met my baby."
Okay, this was really nice to hear.  

10. "Don't fight.  You're in this together, and you have to work like a team."
Probably the only thing I have heard so far that I appreciate (and this wasn't even given to me - it was given to my husband).  I know that sometimes I might feel tired and want to pin everything on my husband and vise versa, and hearing this won't control that, but it helps to put the future in perspective.  

I know that people mean well - or at least I hope they do - when they give advice or tips to people when it wasn't asked for, but my experience is going to be different from yours.  Every pregnancy is different.  Every belly grows differently.  So my advice?  Stop assuming that people want to hear your voice on the matter - whatever it may be.  Cause I'm sure we all know what happens when you assume.


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