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Aria: The Birth Story

I have been meaning to write this out, but every time I sat down to do it, my mind wasn't ready.  While I didn't have a traumatic birth experience, this was still something that was very difficult and painful.  Reliving this was going to be difficult.  Here goes nothing. I had the pleasure of welcoming Aria Colette Nedeau into the world on May 26 at 9:28 AM. She came in (or out) at 20 inches and weighing 8 lbs. and 2 oz. I began laboring at 1:30 in the morning. We obviously didn't expect it since we were binge watching The Office till midnight. Since I'm a FTM (first time mom), I was in the mindset that my labor would be long and that I would probably be overdue.  In hindsight, I was experiencing early labor throughout most of the day on Friday. My contractions started at about 10 minutes apart.  Once again, being a FTM, I thought they would be 10 minutes apart for at least a couple hours. Instead, they were rapidly getting closer together, stronger, an...

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